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京都市教育委員会「堀川御池ギャラリー棟内 元アクアスペース トライアル・サウンディング事業」による実施事業

Family Work Shop 

WRAP! 2024'

This is a dynamic workshop where you can enjoy crafts and expression using large sheets of bubble wrap. This time, we will welcome artists in music and dance, and guide you in simple Japanese and English. Families living in Kyoto, and families from across the sea, let's play together. This is the beginning of a time to meet, create, and express!

主催 ユリイカ百貨店     製作協力 オトナリラボ      京都府文化力チャレンジ補助事業


We are YurikaHyakkaten, creating stage works in Kyoto. We have been holding Family Workshops called DRESS! in various places (Kyoto, Shiga, Osaka, Hyogo, Tokyo, Tokushima, Bangkok) since 2016.

Our theme is "The Creativity Beyond the Desk."  In the summer of 2024, we will upgrade and rename it to WRAP!


We will welcome dance artists and musicians to create a more dynamic space that transcends nationalities. "WRAP!" is a workshop that follows the basic process of creation. It focuses on creating together, napping together, changing perspectives, and experiencing the energy of artists. In these times of division, this workshop embodies the important values we hold at YuriikaHyakkaten.

"I want to enjoy living in this world with you."

This workshop for children, And also for adults.
Let's enjoy this creative time together!


By moving your hands, you also move your heart.



Introducing the Artists We Will Welcome 

8/24 Guest Artist


SINANDJA Dakonyéme ( Alain SINANDJA)
originally from I, uAfrica, I now call Japan my home. My journey intouk the world of professional dance began with Aske-Dance and the SOJAF traditional dance company, where I dedicated myself from 2010 to 2015. CT I furthered my dance education by earning a diploma in African traditional and contemporary dance at Ecole Des Sables in Toubab Dialaw, Senegal, in 2017. Following that, I graduated from an intensive 8-month dance program at Art Theater Dance Box Kobe in 2018. I am the Artistic Director and Founder of Cie Arts For All and the Happy African Festival. As a dancer, I have collaborated on significant projects, including Kota Yamazaki’s "Darkness part3," Yasuko Yokoshi’s "Lynch," and Yu Shimomura, the first-prize winner of the Yokohama Dance Collection competition. One of my most engaging and ongoing collaborations is with J'Sun Howard, an award-winning Chicago-based dancemaker, on the multi-year project titled "The Righteous Beauty of the Things Never Accounted For," exploring the sophisticated and complex theme of Black Fugitivity in relation to Japanese culture/aesthetics. Additionally, I have a passion for educating others in the art of Traditional African and contemporary dance. I believe that these dance forms transcend mere rhythm, gesture and breath-timing, offering a transcendent experience beyond human existence. Teaching allows me to share the historical significance of each traditional dance, highlighting their remarkable diversity. My teaching methodology is grounded in the Acogny technique, which involves connecting different parts of the body through the spine modulation and vibration, drawing inspiration from a rich tapestry of African traditional dances. Furthermore, I place significant emphasis on deconstructing these traditional dances, bridging them into the contemporary realm. My aim is to empower students, help them understand the connections between different parts of the body while gaining new insight into the origins of each African traditional dance. In doing so, I hope I can impart invaluable knowledge to my students, fostering a deep appreciation for this art form.


8/24 Guest Artist
Umineno Orchestra

The world's smallest orchestra, consisting of Eco Satsuki on chromatic accordion and Yohei Arai on contrabass. Formed in 2011, they perform traditional Klezmer and Roma songs, as well as original Umineno compositions, in France, Sweden, Ireland, and other countries. Their concept is to create "universal" works that are cinematic and remain in the ears. They actively collaborate with multi-genre artists, from city events to concert halls and theaters.


"Born in Kyoto Prefecture. An actor who began her career in the 2000s. She has appeared in numerous productions by Kansai theater companies, including Yuriika Hyakkaten. As a mother of two, she has expanded her activities to include organizing workshops and events that are enjoyable for both children and adults, focusing on theater and crafts.
Having lived in Tottori and Kagoshima Prefectures for the past three years, she plans to engage in activities that connect urban and rural areas and promote relocation. Utilizing her experience as a librarian, she also works to spread the joy of reading to children through storytelling and book talks."

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An actor born in Nara Prefecture in 1999. Graduated in 2020 from the Kyoto University of Art and Design (now Kyoto University of the Arts) with a degree in Performing Arts, focusing on Acting and Directing. Major works include: 2023 [Theater] Yuriika Hyakkaten 'Subekaraku SUN SET,' and [Reading] 'Theater Born from Conflict Zones Series' 15th Anniversary National Edition/Regional Collaboration Project 'Bad Roads' Yao edition.
As a performer, their goal is to embody and enjoy the work while learning about the world through it. They enjoy learning, thinking, eating, and playing.


Representative of YURIIKA HYAKKATEN. Director, playwright, art director.

Words, music, art, people, time. Capturing the emotions when encountering them vividly, directing stories that turn coincidence into necessity. Always aiming to expand a microcosm-like time and space in creating works, cherishing the sparkle and joy in the hearts of those who come into contact with the works. Directed fashion shows, music concerts, staged zoo productions at Kyoto City Zoo (2017), directed productions at Kurito Art and Culture Hall Sakira Creation Musical 2020.2022, served as a regular writer for the radio drama Kiss FM [Story for two] for 5 years. Wrote "Haruko's Gion Festival". Provided scripts for various projects and served as a navigator for family workshops. Having lived in Thailand for one year and two months since 2022, completely captivated by the Asian continent.


"Recommendations and Requests for Participation

  • Please bring socks.

  • Come in comfortable clothing suitable for movement.

  • We will not use scissors or glue. Instead, we will tear by hand and use masking tape to stick things together.

  • Don't forget to bring something for hydration.

  • This workshop includes breaks, so proceed at your own pace.

  • There are various ways to participate. Find what you enjoy and have fun!"

〒604-0052 Kyoto, Nakagyo-ku, Aburakoji-dori Oike Oshikoji-cho 238-1

※Please note that there is no parking space for bicycles, motorcycles, or cars available for general visitors at this facility. We kindly ask you to use public transportation to reach the venue.


​Recycling Initiatives


Materials used in this workshop will be renamed 'ASONDA ATO' and will be reused as packaging materials in wonderful shops in Kyoto.

Thanks to the participating shops and artists.
LADER  web

※ If your company or store is interested in collaborating, please contact us at  [ ]

Inquiries About the Workshop 
application to Wosk Shop


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